Friday, November 11, 2005


a nice man is coming halfway around the world to take his vacation where i am, and see me. he started out as a friend, whom i actually had heated arguments with the first few times, and i stood my ground (i knew i was right), and i guess... he has learned to respect me, too, and not just see me as just another pretty face...

well, actually, he has revealed his deeper feelings already, but i am firm on friendship first, this time.

it is not so much a test for him, but a test for me, to see how much i've grown, how far i've come, in my journey from no-self to true self...

then, there's the other dilemma, too.... J, the love of my heart, mind and soul... the love who is so far away, the love who can't be mine (yet, i hope)...

it is a fine line i toe, exploring my growth as a person and as a woman, yet taking care not to hurt nor harm J... and even this nice man who's travelling halfway around the world to see me...

what to do, dear heart?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If j loves you enough he will step aside and let you feel and experience the things you want with the nice man.

Maybe j did not know what it meant to you or how he may have been interfering with your chances for something good in your life.

Perhaps in a way he sensed it, but he was too selfish to think of you first. If I knew j I would sit him down and explain things to him. Maybe he could be convinced to not be so selfish.