when you practice listening to your heart, it will affect men in two ways: either they will respond or they will rebel. There will be some men who will be threatened by your feelings, because they will only be interested in you taking care of them. He is so fragile that he feels he always has to be right, and wants the women in his life to take care of all his needs, like a mother would. When dealing with this immature man, be careful. Consider that it could take a long time to influence such maturity, if even possible.
A woman who puts her heart first causes the character of a man to be revealed, whether it is good or bad.
If you are a woman who is both sincere and confident (because you listen to your Heart), you won’t be able to be controlled or shamed. It will infuriate an insecure and injured man, who must dominate every woman in order to distract himself from his own pain. Think of him as having a hole in his heart so deep, it can never be filled. While you might want to try and help him, short of a literal miracle, you can’t. If he isn’t willing to grow you cannot do it for him.
hmmm... reminds me of somebody i lived with for 10 years, until around some five years ago... and the only reason why i finally saw the light and mustered up the courage to leave ... was when i listened to my Heart.
i was right all along, huh. i've never heard the affirmation for what i did said or explained this way as it is written here now, though.
thank you, dear Heart!!!
What book is that excerpt/text is that from? It's really interesting and relates to the book "The Alchemist". I love when bookes speak of those spiritual kinds of things and it makes sense. Books and stories make you understand things that you cannot have ever understood or really realized with the encounters in life because in our own minds; sometimes we can't process it. Our thoughts are too cluttered.
Thank you for taking time to read and share, Juliet.
Yes, I so agree with you! I actually turn to books for wisdom and guidance when Life gets me down ... there is something about these intimate "conversations" with authors past and present who have mined their own souls too in their life's journey that actually help and heal us, more than talking our challenges over with family and friends, who are themselves quite clueless.
By the way, it's an excerpt from the book, "The Woman Men Adore and Never Want to Leave" by Bob Grant. There's a link to his site from my blog post (please click on "e-book").
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