Sunday, March 13, 2005

Airport Thoughts


it's funny how i was thinking these thoughts today about my life now and how i am growing to view the whole love, sex and romance stuff... while at the airport waiting for my flight home, and then i get home to find a friend's email sharing with me these words from one of his favorite movies, The English Patient:

We die, we die
rich with lovers and tribes,
tastes we have swallowed...
...bodies we have entered and swum up like rivers,

fears we have hidden in like this wretched cave...

...I want all this marked on my body.
We are the real countries,
not the boundaries drawn on maps with the names of powerful men...

...I know you will come and carry me out
into the palace of winds, the rumors of water...
That's all I've wanted -
to walk in such a place with you,
with friends, on earth without maps.

i could never have written it as beautifully, as courageously and as truthfully!

1 comment:

Sana* said...

Oh My GOD!!! Grace, I LOVE that movie. I absolutely drowned in my tears during that scene. She is silently writing that, lying there in the cave, by the candlelight. I was filled with such bittersweet hope for her during that scene. That moment was the first of Few moments in my life, in which i was so enthralled in a moment. At that point, during that scene, the essence of my Youth was shaken, and I realised that Of all the Different "Loves" and "Lives" i've written about, that was the Love of other people, my writings, my poetry was soaking in the romance of other people, and I realized at that MOment, I've never known the true feeling of what it is to Love. Of course, now that i am burning in it, I know through and through exactly what it is. :-)