Sunday, March 06, 2005

Mona Lisa Smile

beyond tradition, beyond definition, beyond image...


the tagline above was borrowed from this beautiful movie about what it means to finally come into your own and letting go of all the crutches you've known all your life -- to finally take responsibility for your own life, in all naked honesty and stubborn courage, despite its consequent ambiguities and confusion.

it's the last spoken line in the movie, and the one that stuck with me as i contemplate my own life now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't watch this movie. Watched a few of other womanly movies (not including "The Hours", phew!) but never had the chance to actually grasp what's going on. I guess I'm not that sensitive after all.

Great movie quotes are great. My personal favorite is, however, "What am I doing? Oh, I'm chasing this guy... No, he's chasing me." (from Memento)

Duh... off-topic. Ok, back to the topic. Well, "to finally take responsibility for your own life, in all naked honesty and stubborn courage, despite its consequent ambiguities and confusion" seems to have happened to at least one person, my mother, starting from a very long time ago, and now left her with only her daughter and another someone who lived in a quite-distant part of the country (oh, yes, that's me). I won't say that's "her own life" because she's practically responsible for at least three lives currently, before my sister can I can be independent... I'm not sure about my sister, but it seems that I won't be able to be independent for an undetermined amount of time. (duh!)